If you have any questions, you will find answers here.

Before you contact us please read this section!

We have collected some questions that you are looking for answers. Good reading!

What does the name SpEFEKTETO means?

SpEFEKTETO is a mosaic word consisting of two Hungarian words. “Spekuláns” which means speculator and “Befektető” which means investor. It reflects my philosophy and methodology. SpEFEKTETO represents me.

Will this performance be possible in the future?

Past data is of course no guarantee for the future. The yield data shows the average yield of the last 7 years. The goal is to surpass the previous performance.

Does SpEFEKTETO make any recommendations or manage my portfolio?

No. See SpEFEKTETO spefekteto.com – Jozsef Safar only manages his own portfolio and does not give recommendations. Use of the service does not constitute investment advice.

What knowledge and expertise do I need to use SpEFEKTETO?

You don’t need any special knowledge or expertise. If you have no experience in stock trading and investing, we provide assistance as part of the service, so all you need is your broker.


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